Sunday 26 July 2015

Serpentine Pavilion

This weekend on a stroll through Hyde Park I visited the Serpentine Pavilion. This was quite exciting, as the Serpentine Pavilion is one of the most visited architectural sites in the world. Every year since 2000 a prestigious architect has designed a new temporary pavilion for the park. Past architects include Zaha Hadid, Daniel Liebeskind, Sou Foujimoto and Frank Gehry. So many of the past architects to design the pavilion are incredibly inspirational to me, so I was super excited to see it in person!

This year the pavilion was designed by Spanish architects Selgascano. The structure itself is very interesting, made out of a colorful plastic material and ribbons. the spatial experience within is supposed to refer to the flow of movement in London's underground system, somewhat organized but also a bit chaotic. There are multiple spaces to explore, and different passages to take you different places. I thought this was an interesting source of inspiration, and definitely makes sense now that I have read their design explanation. 

To learn more about this year's pavilion, check out:


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