Saturday 27 June 2015

Paternoster Vents

This past Thursday, our GRC class took a tour of Fleet St. The first destination on the tour was St. Paul's Cathedral. After walking around the cathedral for a bit, we headed off to the next destination. Before doing so, however, we passed these two massive sculptures. I was extremely excited, because I recognized these as the work of one of my favorite British architects, Thomas Heatherwick. I have browsed his website several times, so immediately recognized this piece immediately. It was a delightful surprise! 

The sculpture was initially designed to hide a cooling system for an underground substation.The form was inspired by paper folding, which makes me happy, as one of the first projects first year architecture students do involves paper folding. 

To check out the paternoster vents and any other projects by Heatherwick, take a gander at the link below:


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